Virtualization improves the efficiency and availability of IT resources and applications with significant reduction in overall IT costs. Our clients now have the option to consolidate their in-house servers, relocate them to a co-location facility managed by a third party or have their virtual servers hosted in their private cloud.
The Benefits
Virtualized environments are significantly less expensive to manage and maintain. With fewer physical servers in the infrastructure, there is less space, power, supporting hardware and cooling requirements. The space dedicated to in-house servers can often instead accommodate 2-6 user workstations.
The move to virtualization enables organizations to be more agile and responsive to changing system requirements. Before virtualization, updating servers could take weeks, but now in a matter of hours or even minutes our clients can deploy new applications or increase server size and resources.
An additional and inherent benefit of virtualization is that it includes business continuity planning. It is now possible to securely backup and migrate entire virtual environments with no interruption at no additional cost.